2020-2021 Temple Law Review Symposium: A Gathering Wave: Emerging Legal & Policy Implications of Climate Migration, 93 TEMPLE L. REV. (2021).

Opening Remarks: Dean Mandel, Professor Sinden, Panel I: Adapting to an Unprecedented Challenge – Global Climate Migration and International Law.

Moderator: Professor Spiro, Panelists: Agarwal, Gonzalez, Ferris, Francis, and Ramji-Nogales

Panel II: Responding to the Climate Crisis – Coastal Displacement in Sending Communities.

Moderator: Professor Sinden, Panelists: Koslov, Shi, Siders, Soni, and Verchick

Keynote Address: Professor Burkett, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Panel III: Planning Ahead – Implications for Receiving Communities in the United States.

Moderator: Professor Lee, Panelists: Hauer, Kaswan, Martín, and Micah-Jones

Sinden, Foreword. 643-652; Burkett, Keynote Address: Climate Migration and the Deep Roots of Climate Justice 653-670; Ramji-Nogales, Jaya Slow-Onset Climate Justice and Human Mobility 671-688; Francis, Global Southerners in the North 689-712; Verchick, The Long Goodbye: How to Build a Responsible Climate Migration Program 713-734; Kaswan, Creating Home: Multilevel Governance Structures for Emerging Climate Migration 735-763.

Categories: _Bibliography, Aliens, Farm Labor Bibliography