
K: Potassium

K: Soil erodibility (factor)

K (soil erodibility factor): See Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), Soil erodibility (factor) (K), and Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE).

Kamut: grain that is an ancient relative of modern durum wheat. Yields outperform wheat in times of high stress, but are equivalent to lower with ideal conditions. Kamut grains are generally higher in protein than wheat when grown under similar environments. Kamut is a specialty crop whose products are marketed primarily through health food stores.

Karnal bunt: See Bunt.

Karst: A type of geology characterized by soluble rocks where streams and floodwaters disappear underground and then flow through channels into surface waters.

Kemp: Chalky white, brittle, weak wool fiber that may be mixed with normal fibers in a fleece. Kemp will not take dye and is objectionable.

Kenaf: An easy to grow annual hibiscus fiber plant that is used in various cordage products such as burlap, rope, and twine, as well as in pulp and paper products.

Keratin: protein substance that is the chief component of wool fiber.

Key grazing area: A relatively small portion of a pasture or grazing management unit selected because of its location, use, or grazing value as a monitoring point for grazing use. If properly selected, it will reflect the current grazing management over the pasture as a whole.

Key species: Species that, because of their importance, must be considered in a management program.

Key species (grazing): Plant species chosen to serve as a guide to monitor grazing use of the entire plant community.

Kid: A young goat up to one year old.

Kidney, pelvic and heart fat (KPH): The internal carcass fat associated with the kidney, pelvic cavity, and heart, expressed as a percentage of chilled-carcass weight. The kidney is included in the estimate of kidney fat. The KPH is a factor in determining yield grade for beef.

Killed weight: The gross weight of the carcass including the hide or skin, head, feet, and internal organs, but excluding the part of the blood that is not collected in the course of slaughter.

Klamath Basin Water Conservation Program: The program, first authorized by the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2001, (Sec. 2104), designed to promote the installation of water conservation practices to improve the quality and quantity of water on agricultural lands in the Klamath Basin of Oregon and California that have suffered from a severe lack of available reclamation project water.

KPH: Kidney, pelvic and heart fat