Growing Careers: Planning for Success in Starting and Maintaining an Agricultural Law Student Association – National Agricultural Law Center

Growing Careers

Planning for Success in Starting and Maintaining an Agricultural Law Student Association

You will learn:

This webinar is part of the “Growing Careers” for law students partnership between the American Agricultural Law Association and the National Agricultural Law Center. This webinar is designed primarily for law students, faculty, and staff who are interested in starting or growing an agricultural and/or food law-related student association. This webinar will briefly discuss the American Agricultural Law Association, the National Agricultural Law Center, and the resources both organizations provide for law student associations that are beginning or already operating. The webinar will discuss best practices, examples of organizational documents, and other related issues. The webinar will also address challenges and potential pitfalls. The webinar will be interactive, with discussion and question/answer component.

Event Details:

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Noon – 1 p.m. (EDT)

11 a.m. – Noon (CDT)

You will hear:

Harrison Pittman, director, National Agricultural Law Center

Harrison received his Juris Doctor from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law, after attending Mississippi State University and graduating from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He then earned an LL.M. in Agricultural Law from the University of Arkansas School of Law’s Graduate Program in Agricultural Law. Harrison has worked at the Center since 2001.  During that time, his title and job duties have spanned the range of graduate assistant, staff attorney, co-director, interim director and currently, director; in which capacity he has served since 2007.

He has taught at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law as part of the Ben J. Altheimer Distinguished Professorship for Agricultural Law and has also served as a visiting professor at the Drake University Law School.  In addition, he has taught Environmental and Natural Resources Law and Introduction to Agricultural Law in the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, & Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness.  In that role, he was awarded the 2011-2012 Agricultural Business Club Teaching Award.

Regan O’Donnell, J.D. Candidate at the University of North Dakota School of Law

Regan was born and raised in Milliken, CO. She attended Colorado State University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science, a Bachelor of Science in Political Science, and a minor in Legal Studies. Regan is currently a 3L student at the University of North Dakota School of Law, and she founded the Agricultural Law Association at UND in the fall of 2022. In addition to school, she serves as a Research Fellow for NALC and is involved in various organizations at UND Law and back home in Colorado.

Caitlin Klingenberg, Vermeer Manufacturing Company

Caitlin serves as Intellectual Property Counsel at Vermeer Manufacturing Company in Pella, IA. Vermeer Manufacturing, founded in 1948, is a family-owned OEM that is responsible for the invention of the first round hay-baler in the 1970s and continues a deep tradition of innovation in the agricultural, environmental, and infrastructure equipment. In her role, Caitlin leads a team of intellectual property professionals and ensures the enterprise’s patent and trademark portfolios are developed and enforced. Prior to joining Vermeer, Caitlin was in private practice in the Des Moines, IA, area as a registered patent attorney.

Caitlin comes from rural Iowa row-crop background, where her love for the intersection of science and law was first discovered. After obtaining her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Iowa, she attended Drake University Law School for its agricultural and intellectual property law programs. During her time at Drake Law, she served as Editor in Chief of the Drake Journal of Agricultural Law and was active in several student organizations, including the Agricultural and Environmental Law Association. In her free time, Caitlin serves on various non-profit boards and enjoys spending time with her family.

Austin C. Vincent, Kansas Department of Agriculture

Austin serves as a Staff Attorney at the Kansas Department of Agriculture in Manhattan, KS. In this role, he provides legal counsel on a wide range of agricultural issues, ensuring that state laws and regulations are effectively implemented to support Kansas’ vital agricultural sector. Prior to joining KDA, Austin served as General Counsel and Director of State Affairs for the Colorado Farm Bureau, where he was instrumental in advocating for the interests of farmers and ranchers by working closely with state legislators and industry stakeholders.

Raised on his family’s 4th generation cattle ranch near Des Moines, NM, Austin developed a deep connection to agriculture from an early age. He pursued dual undergraduate degrees in Energy Commerce and Agribusiness at Texas Tech University. He remained in Lubbock to attend Texas Tech University School of Law, where he founded the Tech Agricultural Law Association. In his free time, Austin enjoys spending time with his fiancée and family, returning to his family ranch, running with his three dogs, and cheering on Texas Tech and Kansas State sports.

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